Leave The Pack Behind (LTPB) is a comprehensive, age-tailored, tobacco control initiative for young adults on post-secondary campuses. LTPB seamlessly integrates cessation, protection, prevention and industry denormalization activities to:
- Promote smoking cessation among occasional and regular smokers
- Protect non-smokers from second-hand smoke
- Expose tobacco industry tactics that keep people hooked on its deadly products
LTPB has been extremely successful in its efforts to make ‘not smoking’ the norm on university and college campuses. Also, in recognition of this success, LTPB has acquired official standing as a provincial best practice for tobacco control in the young adult population. LTPB student teams on campuses across Ontario disseminate thousands of self-help smoking cessation interventions and tens of thousands of other resources to students on campus. Student teams host hundreds of display centres at locations all over campus. The LeaveThePackBehind.org website logs some 60,000 visitors during the school year. IN the past academic year, LTPB student teams interacted, face to face, with nearly one-quarter of the 210,000 students on participating campuses. Among smokers using LTPB self-help program, 13% quit smoking. (‘Unassisted’ quit rates are closer to 3%)
LTPB achieves this level of success by adhering to peer-to-peer programming that is guided by university health professionals, and involves faculty members and administrators. Support for the initiative comes from student governments, health organizations, and Public Health Departments across Ontario. LTPB is administered through Brock University.