








Let’s Make A Deal!

A contest sponsored
by the Leave The Pack Behind project
and a chance for SMOKERS and NON-SMOKERS to win great prizes!

Congratulations Let’s Make a Deal Contest

Azaam – Party Without The Pack

Stephen – Keep The Count Winner!

Ug – Quit For Good Grand Prize

Buddy Winners!

Phil – Quit For Good Winner!

Andrew Chiu – Don’t Start and
Win Winner!

Drawing Names

Door Prize Winner!


Balloon Fun!


Preye Administering CO Test


1) “I had no intention of joining the contest. I had
stopped smoking for a week and was not hopeful about actually
quitting … then as I was walking to class one afternoon
through the business building, I met the girls from LTPB.
They noticed my hesitant interest and encouraged me to join.
It’s been 2 months of “smoke-free” since then, and
I truly believe the contest helped. The LTPB team was encouraging
and empathetic and made me want to meet my goal … because
I didn’t want to disappoint strangers? Whatever it was, it
worked! Thank you!”
2) “I found the contest was a great motivation in quitting
smoking. It was well organized and the prizes were great.
I highly recommend the contest to anyone quitting smoking
and I am now smoke-free after smoking for 6 years! Thanks
a lot.”
3) “The ride was fun and not too hard … keep the
prize in mind … $500 bucks yahoo! Did not smoke at all ..
.was very disciplined … Yahoo ecstatic right now!!”
(our Grand Prize Winner)
4) “The Party Without The Pack contest wasn’t that
tough since I didn’t do that much partying throughout the
6 weeks. However when the spring break came, I found it really
hard to keep up my promise. Luckily with the help of a few
good friends I had fun at the club without the pack. This
contest has been totally worth it. Thanks.”


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