Student Health Services
Call or email to make an appointment with a Health Professional to talk about smoking or quitting.
Remember to ask about FREE NRT (Nicotine Replacement Therapy).
Where we are:
Appletree Medical Centre
York Lanes Mall
(SCLD) Student Community & Leadership Development
S172 Ross Building
(416) 736-5144
Health Education Office
S172 Ross Building
(416) 736-5196
Email: [email protected]
View Your Campus Smoking Policy
Want to talk about smoking? Email your peer team
Your student team can provide peer-to-peer personalized support or check us out on facebook – see what we’re doing and learn how you can WIN free stuff!
Your 2011-2012 LTPB Team Members:
Ashleigh is a third-year Environmental Studies major. This is her second year with Health Education; she is looking forward to helping people quit smoking.
Andrew is a Kinesiology graduate who has a passion for the Health Sciences. This is his second year with the Health Education and Promotion team, and he is very excited to be on the LTPB Team.
Constantin is starting his final year this September finishing up his psychology degree. This is his first year with Health Ed, specifically the LTPB team, and he is very excited to be a part of it!
Janice is a third year Health Policy major. This is her first year with Health Education and she’s really excited to be part of the LTPB Team.
Jen is going into her third year in the Visual Arts program at York. She is glad to say that she’s on the LTPB team because she feels that her past experiences with tobacco campaigns will not only help her, but others at York.
See where we are and what we are doing…