LTPB Evaluation Results

Do LTPB programs and services really work?

If you want to quit…

It’s your decision whether or not to quit smoking. Everyone at LTPB
understands this. They also understand that when you are ready to quit smoking,
you want to succeed.

That’s why LTPB offers programs and services that are proven to be
among the most effective. For example, LTPB’s 2-booklet ‘Smoke|Quit’ package
and the ‘Stress & Coping’ Quit Kit package are designed
specifically for university and college students. The info & strategies
presented in these packages speak directly to issues you face – room
mates who smoke, the stress of exams, going out with friends, and doing
well in school. Your typical 40-year-old addicted smoker would hate these
packages; you, on the other hand, will enjoy them.

The packages are effective at helping people quit.

  • 13% of smokers using
    these LTPB do-it-yourself packages quit*
  • their confidence in their
    ability to stay smoke-free increased

    *Your chances of quitting using just willpower are 5% – 7%.
    If you add in a little advance-planning, help from your friends, &/or
    a quit aides (like LTPB packages, nicotine gum, the patch, etc.)
    you can double your chances of success).

If you just want to cut back…

Cutting back is definitely a step in the right direction. And LTPB packages
can help you do that too.

  • a reduction of 20 cigarettes was achieved
    by smokers who chose not to quit

If you want smoke-free spaces…

LTPB is effective for college and university students in other ways too.

  • All
    universities and colleges involved in LTPB have improved their
    campus policies related to smoking. That means that smokers who want
    to quit get more support for quitting. Smokers who don’t want
    to quit have designated outdoor smoking areas/shelters that are
    well-equipped with butt-stops and benches. And non-smokers get better
    the deadly chemicals in second-hand smoke.
  • Students from all over
    campus can get good jobs with LTPB. Student-staff
    members of LTPB gain great work experience, have the chance to
    attend off-site training and professional development sessions, and nicely
    round out their

LTPB Evaluation Results
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