News just in: LTPB introduces new program!
- Quit: a proven self-help smoking cessation program, information about quitting options, and strategies for managing nicotine withdrawal
- Run: an eight-week progressive running program for new runners and a downloadable instruction manual
- Chill: tips for immediate and long-term relief of stress and weekly stress management ideas and inspirations
Check it out here:
Be sure to stop by our booths to learn more about what we do, grab some helpful materials, or get a handful of freebies!
Our booths are:
Tuesdays, 1-5pm in the AGORA
Wednesdays, 4-6pm outside the CAFETERIA
Busy during those times? Visit our Facebook page or tune in to the LTPB Jukebox every Friday from 11am-12pm on CILU Radio 102.7 FM!