Leave The Pack Behind!!


College Smoking Policy

Centennial LTPB Homepage















Centennial College’s smoking policy was developed by a committee made

up of students, faculty, support staff and administration. Factors

influencing the development of this policy included:

  • concern for the health of students, faculty and staff
  • medical evidence of the effects of smoke in the workplace
  • legal requirements for an employer to provide a healthy and safe

    work environment

  • consistency with municipal by-laws of Scarborough and East York

The administration of this policy has been criticized due to large

groups of smokers congregating inside and around College building

entrances. This practice also tarnishes the professional image of the



  1. Smoking is not allowed inside any Centennial College building. This

    applies not only to Centennial College students, faculty and staff,

    but also to anyone visiting College premises.

  2. Smoking immediately outside of College buildings is restricted to

    designated smoking areas. Smoking will not be permitted at any other

    College building entrances.

  3. Anyone smoking inside a building or in any other non-smoking area

    will be subject to a fine of $20.00 and/or other disciplinary measures

    each time they are found in contravention of the Smoking Policy.


  1. A plant manager or security officer who discovers someone smoking,

    either inside a College building or outside in an area not designated

    for smoking, will issue that person a ticket for $20.00. The smoker

    will be asked to provide identifying information such as name,

    student/employee number, etc.

  2. Any person receiving a fine for smoking who refuses to show

    identification will be treated as a “trespasser” and will be

    asked to leave the property.

  3. Physical Resources will submit a formal complaint to the Campus

    Inquiry Officer regarding anyone receiving more than one fine for

    smoking. The Campus Inquiry Officer will forward the complaint to the

    Campus Hearing Committee, which will conduct a hearing and determine

    whether further sanctions are warranted.

  4. Students may petition a Campus Inquiry Officer, consistent with

    student rights and responsibilities, if they feel a fine has been

    levied unjustly.

Prepared by: Administration & Finance

Date issued: September 1996


The ‘Leave The Pack Behind’ name for this program has been adopted, with

permission, from the World Health Organization’s 1999 World No Tobacco Day


Funding for this program has been provided in part by the

Ontario Tobacco Strategy, Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care.

La Strategie

antitabac de l’Ontario, Direction de la santé communautaire et

de la promotion de la santé, ministère de la Santé et des

Soins de longue durée finance ce programme en partie. 


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