Leave The Pack Behind!!







Each month we will

update this page with new picks and the classified and

radio ads and announcements you’ll see and hear on



Public Service Announcement Ads

Hey! Are you thinking

about quitting smoking but don’t know where to start? Do

you want to help a friend who is struggling to quit? Or

maybe you like smoking and want to let everybody know?

Then you should

contact the Leave The Pack Behind Project. This Ministry

of Health and Long Term Care funded project, along with

on-campus partners, provides you, the student, with

information about tobacco and related issues, tips on

how to get on the quitting track, on-going support, and

fun and interesting contests and prizes. NO hassles, NO

preaching, Free Stuff. How can you say NO to that! Visit

us on the Web at: www.leavethepackbehind.org/campus/mcmaster/mcmaster.phtml

or call us at ext. 27619.


Young, attractive

female, looking for a tall, dark and handsome doctor to

take care of her… permanently. Needs to be able to

provide free Habitrol and Zyban to help her break the

smoking habit. As well as providing constant comfort and

support during any periodic mood swings. Skilled at

massages is a definite asset. Mailbox 2000


The ‘Leave The Pack Behind’ name for this program has been adopted, with

permission, from the World Health Organization’s 1999 World No Tobacco Day


Funding for this program has been provided in part by the

Ontario Tobacco Strategy, Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care.

La Strategie

antitabac de l’Ontario, Direction de la santé communautaire et

de la promotion de la santé, ministère de la Santé et des

Soins de longue durée finance ce programme en partie. 


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Leave The Pack Behind!!
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