
Would You Rather Contest

contest rules prizes frequently asked questions quit tips register
Contestant Eligibility Contestant Rules Important Dates


Contest Rules

The following rules apply to ALL wouldurather… contestants.

Before the contest, contestants must:

  • meet eligibilty criteria for the Quit For Good category
  • submit a fully complete registration form online or to the LTPB student team by the time/date indicated in ‘important dates’

During the contest period contestants must:

  • quit smoking or using tobacco, and remain tobacco-free (smoke-free or tobacco-free is defined as no use of any commercial tobacco products of any kind) during the entire contest period from January 28, 2013 through and including March 11, 2013 (or until all winners are confirmed for this contest as described below). Quitting aids such as nicotine replacement therapy (patch, gum) and/or prescription medications are allowed.
  • keep in contact with their buddy so their buddy can support them and know how they are doing.
  • respond within 48 hours if they are contacted by Leave The Pack Behind.

Any eligible Quit For Good contestant who meets these criteria will earn one (1) entry into the random prize draw for the grand prize.

Before the contest, contestants must:

  • meet eligibility criteria for the Keep The Count category
  • submit a fully complete registration form online or to the LTPB student team team by the time/date indicated in ‘important dates’

During the contest, contestants must:

  • reduce the number of daily cigarettes smoked by 50%. This means that if a contestant regularly smokes 20 cigarettes a day, they may not smoke above 10 cigarettes a day during the entire contest period from January 28, 2013 through and including March 11, 2013 (or until all winners are confirmed for this contest as described below). Quitting aids such as nicotine replacement therapy (patch, gum) and/or prescription medications are allowed.
  • keep in contact with their buddy so their buddy can support them and know how they are doing.
  • respond within 48 hours if they are contacted by Leave The Pack Behind.

Any eligible Keep The Count contestant who meets these criteria will earn one (1) entry into the random prize draw for the grand prize.

Before the contest, contestants must:

  • meet eligibility criteria for the Party Without The Smoke category
  • submit a fully complete registration form online or to the LTPB student team team by the time/date indicated in ‘important dates’

During the contest period contestants must:

  • not smoke/use tobacco or tobacco alternatives while drinking alcohol. In this category smoke may refer to any type of tobacco (defined as: cigarettes, cigarellos, cigars, pipes, chewing tobacco, snuff, water pipes and/or snus) or any type of tobacco alternative (defined as: marijuana or shisha). This means contestants may still smoke, and they may still drink alcohol, but they will not do the two behaviours together from January 28, 2013 through and including March 11, 2013 (or until all winners are confirmed for this contest as described below). Quitting aids such as nicotine replacement therapy (patch, gum) and/or prescription medications are allowed.
  • keep in contact with their buddy so their buddy can support them and know how they are doing.
  • respond within 48 hours if they are contacted by Leave The Pack Behind.

Any eligible Party Without The Smoke contestant who meets these criteria will earn one (1) entry into the random prize draw for the grand prize.

Before the contest, contestants must:

  • meet eligibility criteria for the Don’t Start and Win category
  • submit a fully complete registration form online or to the LTPB student team team by the time/date indicated in ‘important dates’

During the contest period contestants must:

  • continue to be smoke-free (smoke-free or tobacco-free is defined as no use of any commercial tobacco products of any kind) during the entire contest period from January 28, 2013 through and including March 11, 2013 (or until all winners are confirmed for this contest as described below).
  • keep in contact with their buddy so their buddy can support them and know how they are doing.
  • respond within 48 hours if they are contacted by Leave The Pack Behind.

Any eligible Don’t Start & Win contestant who meets these criteria will earn one (1) entry into the random prize draw for the grand prize.

Prize draw and prize conditions for the Grand Prizes

The following conditions, notification, verification, and declaration rules apply to wouldurather… Grand Prizes only.

Grand Prizes

One (1) Grand Prize of $1,000 cash will be awarded to an eligible Quit For Good contestant.

One (1) Grand Prize of $500 cash will be awarded to an eligible Keep The Count contestant.

One (1) Grand Prize of $250 cash will be awarded to an eligible Party Without The Smoke contestant.

One (1) Grand Prize of $100 cash will be awarded to an eligible Don’t Start & Win contestant.

Prize Conditions

An entrant can win (i) The Grand Prize for the one (1) category he/she registered for (in accordance with these rules); and/or (ii) any campus-specific prizes awarded by the campus that the entrant attends as indicated by the entrant during registration. A grand prize winner cannot also win a buddy prize.

Grand Prize Draw

On March 12th, 2013 (the ‘draw date’), a series of random draws for the Grand Prizes will be conducted by a representative of Leave The Pack Behind. One (1) eligible entrant will be selected by random draw among all eligible entrants in accordance with these rules for each of the four (4) categories. The entrant drawn in each category will be eligible to win the Grand Prize (subject to compliance with these rules).

Winner Notification, Verification and Declaration


Leave The Pack Behind will contact the selected entrants using the phone number provided by the entrant at registration. LTPB will make four (4) attempts to contact each entrant by phone within two (2) days of the draw date. If a selected entrant cannot be contacted within the time frame stipulated above, the selected entrant will be disqualified and LTPB reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to randomly select an alternate eligible entrant from among the remaining eligible entries in accordance with the procedures outlined above.

Verification & Declaration: All Categories

Before being declared a winner, each selectant entrant (and his/her corresponding Buddy) will be required to sign and return their respective declaration form within 48 hours of notification, which (i) confirms compliance with these rules; (ii) acknowledges acceptance of the prize as awarded; (iii) releases Leave The Pack Behind, the prize sponsor, and each of their respective representatives from any and all liability in connection with this contest, the selected entrant’s participation in the contest, and/or the awarding and use/misuse of the prize or any portion thereof; and (iv) agrees to the publication, reproduction and/or other use of the selected entrant’s/Buddy’s name, campus, program of study, age, voice, statements about the contest and his/her smoking/quitting experiences and/or photograph or other likeness without further notice or compensation, in any publicity or advertisement carried out by LTPB or the prize sponsor in any manner whatsoever, including print, broadcast or the internet. If a selected entrant (or his/her corresponding buddy) fails to return the properly executed contest documents within the specificied time then the selected entrant and his/her buddy will be disqualified and LTPB reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to randomly select an alternate eligible entrant from among the remaining eligible contestants in accordance with the rules outlined above.

For Quit For Good only

The selected entrant for the Q4G Grand Prize will be required to take a urine test to be administered by DriverCheck at a mutually convenient location in Ontario within 2-3 days following notification for the purposes of verifying his/her tobacco-free status. The selected entrant will need to remain tobacco-free until after testing is completed, and while testing results are evaluated, which can take up to 3-weeks.

Please note, we strongly recommend that all entrants remain tobacco-free until after the winners are formally announced, since alternate eligible entrants may need to be selected in accordance with these rules. If the selected entrant fails his/her urine test (as determined by LTPB), even if the tobacco-use was following March 11th, 2013, then he/she will be disqualified and LTPB reserves the right to randomly select an alternate eligible entrant from among the remaining eligible contestants in accordance with the rules outlined above.

Buddy Prizes

Buddies of selected entrants who fufill the rules of the contest outlined above and are declared Grand Prize Winners will be awarded one (1) cash prize of $50 each.

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