Health Professionals


In just three years of operation, LTPB has been remarkably successful
in promoting smoke-free campuses. Central to this success has been our
ability to address the needs of post-secondary smokers and accommodate
paradoxes in their smoking behaviors. It seems, for example, that students
who smoke socially sometimes deny being ‘smokers.’ Inclusive
messaging and outreach that positions LTPB as an initiative for non-smokers,
smokers and ex-smokers helps us reach these students. Likewise, communication
campaigns addressing the safety of so-called ‘light’ and ‘mild’ cigarettes,
or uncovering the less savoury practices of tobacco companies, attract
both smokers and non-smokers to LTPB displays. Finally, extensive reliance
on interpersonal outreach over mass media clearly contributes to the
success of LTPB. Although hundreds of posters and ads are displayed and
multitudes of other promotions are disseminated, students who know about
LTPB most often recall talking to someone at conveniently-located, interactive
display table. With increasing numbers of post-secondary students smoking
cigarettes,4 the need for accessible student-focused programming, promoted
through campus-specific communication channels, is apparent. LTPB contributes
to efforts to reduce smoking in a surprisingly under-serviced population.


  • The Government of Ontario
  • Health Canada

The name, LEAVE THE PACK BEHIND, is used with permission from the World
Health Organization (WHO)

Core Committee of Leave The Pack Behind

Kelli-an Lawrence, PhD,
Associate Professor, Brock University
Principal Investigator & Co-Director LTPB

Melodie Shick-Porter, RN, BA (Community Nursing),
Director of Clinical Services, Brock University
Co-Director LTPB

Sharon Lawler, RN, MEd
Manager & Co-Director LTPB
Brock University

Peter Selby, MBBS CCFP MHSc
Assistant Professor, University of Toronto
Director of Addictions Services, CAMH
Medical Consultant to LTPB

Health Professionals
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