
Things to do in Niagara

Things to do in Niagara Brock LTPB Home                 Off Campus Niagara was at once stamped upon my heart, an Image of Beauty; to remain there, changeless and indelible, until its pulses cease to beat, forever.” – Charles Dickens,on his visit to Niagara Falls in 1841 CHECK OUT […]


Formatting A powerful formatting language developed specifically for this application allows you to format your posts without knowledge of HTML. This formatting language is easy for both HTML users and non-HTML users to learn quickly. There are examples after each major section. This document makes extensive use of tables and advanced HTML not appropriate for […]

Theme of the Month

Theme of the Month: “Light and Mild” Want to find out the truth? (click on the folder to learn what they’ve been hiding) Where you can find us: Booth in SLC Tuesdays 10:30am-12:30pm Wednesdays 10:30am-12:30pm Tons of cool stuff and information! If you require immediate assistance, contact UW Health Services or the Smokers’ Helpline at […]

Quitting 101

Quitting 101 Want to quit smoking? Set a quit day Prepare to handle withdrawal, to control cravings and to resist temptations to smoke Choose your way to quit What to expect when quitting Within a few days, you may notice that it’s easier to breathe and your sense of taste improves! Your risk of heart […]

Quitting 101

Want to quit smoking? Set a quit day Prepare to handle withdrawal, to control cravings and to resist temptations to smoke Choose your way to quit What to expect when quitting Within a few days, you may notice that it’s easier to breathe and your sense of taste improves! Your risk of heart disease and […]

Leave The Pack Behind at the University of Toronto’s St. George Campus

      The 2010 WouldUrather… Contest Wraps Up! Our biggest event of the year! Our annual contest was for ALL students and numerous prizes were included for give-aways, both from on-campus and off-campus institutions. Our 2010 WouldUrather  Contest ran from January until March and has ended for this year. Congratulations to all who participated […]

Leave The Pack Behind!

All of the campuses have their own guestbook (please leave campus specific messages on the particular campus page). This is the place if you want to leave messages for the entire LTPB site! (You need Netscape 6.0+ or IE 4.0+ to submit entries!) [ Sign Guestbook :: 5 Total Posts ] Ben Sep. 14/04, 7:37 […]

Leave The Pack Behind!

Last Updated May 1st Home Previous Themes Articles Contests Contributors Environment Fitness Programs Healthy Eating E-Smoke Quit Smoke-Free Day Links Policies Contact Us Enjoy the summer! Our theme November 2008… Healthy Lifestyles click to find out about Eating Healthy on Campus or: Alchohol, Stress, General Healthy Eating     Our theme October 2008… Alternatives to […]

Leave The Pack Behind!!

Research Search Engines Library Listings Web Resources Key Word Lists                       As a university or college student, you are used to asking questions, collecting information examining data, and doing research. This is the job that a university student has, regardless of whether you are in […]

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