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Program GoalOur goal is to implement an empathetic social network for both smokers and non-smokers, and to provide information and guidance for those smokers attempting the difficult task of quitting. LTPB now on Facebook! |
Smoking Policy1.16 POLICY ON SMOKINGClassification: General Effective Date: 24 JUN 03 Supersedes: 28 NOV 91 POLICY1.00 It is the policy of the University that smoking is not permitted in University buildings, or within 10 metres of building entrances, loading docks, and fresh air intakes, except where posted.
2.00 Violators of this policy are subject to being informed by the Dean, budget head, Manager and/or Supervisor that they are in violation, given a copy of this policy, and informed that such behaviour must cease. 3.00 Continued violation of this policy will lead to disciplinary action as outlined in the policies applicable to the various University groups or as provided for within the Smoking in the Workplace Act. 4.00 Deans and budget heads are encouraged to facilitate requests from individual faculty and staff members to participate in a stop-smoking program with Staff/Faculty Heath Services. Provided the individual completes the program, the University will pay all or a portion of the fee for any regular full-time faculty or staff member. Support will not exceed the cost of the Canadian Cancer Society program.
University of Western Ontario, 1151 Richmond Street, Suite 2, London, Ontario, Canada, N6A 5B8 · Tel: (519) 661-2111 Updated October 15, 2009 by Leave The Pack Behind See UWO policies on Privacy, and Web Standards |
Leave The Pack Behind – Western University