Leave The Pack Behind!!




Students visiting

our displays during the week of Feb 11-15 had a chance

to play our Heart Trivia game. Students picked a heart

off our display and answered a skill testing trivia

question about the effects of smoking on the heart OR a

CRAZY but TRUE Valentine’s Day fact. Prize giveaways

included Chocolate ‘Kisses’ and a draw for tickets to

the McMaster production of ‘FAME’. LTPB @ MAC would like

to thank the production team of ‘FAME-The Musical’ for

their donation.



The ‘Leave The Pack Behind’ name for this program has been adopted, with

permission, from the World Health Organization’s 1999 World No Tobacco Day


Funding for this program has been provided in part by the

Ontario Tobacco Strategy, Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care.

La Strategie

antitabac de l’Ontario, Direction de la santé communautaire et

de la promotion de la santé, ministère de la Santé et des

Soins de longue durée finance ce programme en partie. 


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Leave The Pack Behind!!
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