Leave The Pack Behind!!

Maintenance Poster





Other Smoking Action Posters!


















Having trouble resisting temptation??

If you are an ex-smoker and trying to stay that way…we

are here to help!

Come see our displays on campus this week.

Information to help you understand why quitting takes

practice and strategies to help you quit for good

FREE carbon monoxide testing

FREE survival kits to help when you are tempted to smoke

Individualized, computer assessment of your habit

FREE self-help booklets “for smokers who want to quit





for this program has been provided in part by the Government
of Ontario and by Health Canada.
Ce program est financé par
le Gouvernement de l’Ontario et par Santé Canada.

The ‘Leave
The Pack Behind’ name
for this program has been adopted with permission from the
World Health Organization.
Le nom du programme en anglais ‘Leave The Pack Behind’ a été emprunté à la
Journée mondiale sans tabac de 1999 avec la permission
de l’Organisation mondiale de la santé. Copyright,
Design & Legal Disclaimer Information

Leave The Pack Behind!!
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