Leave The Pack Behind!!

Please Help Make Kingston a Smoke-Free Community

Queen’s LTPB


Do you think it’s fair to force bartenders, waiters and waitresses

to work in a smoke filled environment?

Would you like to go out and not have to worry about

smelling like smoke when you get home?

Would you like to stop others from polluting you and your

loved ones’ lungs?

This issue has come up in other cities and has met with great

resistance because they think they may lose money from smoking customers.

This is not true. Can you imagine going out to the bar and not coming home

covered in smoke? Our city councillors need to know that there are large

numbers of people who would rather have a nice dinner or a drink without

having to breathe in second hand smoke or expose their loved ones to the

harmful effects of cigarette smoke.

What Can You Do?

1. Contact your city councillor and let them know how you feel about

this issue.

How: The easy way to do so is to visit the City of Kingston website

at www.city.kingston.on.ca.

Once there, click on ‘City Hall’ and then on ‘City Councillors’ Then

simply choose the councillor for your area. There are boundaries listed

once you click on the councillor – I imagine most of you live in

District 9- John Clements or District 10 -Don Rogers but there will be

some of you in other areas too, so look around to find the right one.

Please send your city councillor a quick note to let them know how you

feel. It would be a big help.

2. Robert Goodfellow (at the health unit) is collecting a list of

advocates who would support the bylaw.

What to do: Write down your name, address and phone number and send

it to Queen’s Leave The Pack Behind by e-mail or you can hand it into

LTPB personally at Student Health Services. Both Queen’s LTPB and Mr.

Goodfellow promise that the list is confidential and it will not be

forwarded to telemarketers!!!!!!!

3. Forward this to friends that also might be able to help. We all

may be needed.

Thanks for your support.


Queen’s LTPB Staff





The ‘Leave The Pack Behind’ name for this program has been adopted, with

permission, from the World Health Organization’s 1999 World No Tobacco Day


Funding for this program has been provided in part by the

Ontario Tobacco Strategy, Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care.

La Strategie

antitabac de l’Ontario, Direction de la santé communautaire et

de la promotion de la santé, ministère de la Santé et des

Soins de longue durée finance ce programme en partie. 


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