Leave The Pack Behind @ McMaster University

Find LTPB on the McMaster Campus.

Leave the Pack Behind @ McMaster University


the Pack Behind @ McMaster University
would like to thank the following
for generously donating prizes:

Albert Snow Hair Design Group
Tim Hortons
TCBY Treats
Herbal Magic
The Casual Gourmet
The Snooty Fox
Baskin Robbins
Williams Coffee Pub
Westdale Florists

website design by karen

Smoking Articles
Contests & Prizes
Links to Other Related Websites
McMaster's Campus Smoking Policy as well as information about Smoking Policies in the Hamilton area
We value your input.  Sign out guestbook!


for this program has been provided in part by the Government
of Ontario and by Health Canada.
Ce program est financé par
le Gouvernement de l’Ontario et par Santé Canada.

The ‘Leave
The Pack Behind’ name
for this program has been adopted with permission from the
World Health Organization.
Le nom du programme en anglais ‘Leave The Pack Behind’ a été emprunté à la
Journée mondiale sans tabac de 1999 avec la permission
de l’Organisation mondiale de la santé. Copyright,
Design & Legal Disclaimer Information

Leave The Pack Behind @ McMaster University
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