
Quit Your Way…

Nicotine Patch

Nicotine Patch

You are almost 2 times more likely to quit successfully if you use the nicotine patch1

What the nicotine patch does for you

Wearing a patch helps take the edge off of nicotine withdrawal symptoms. It helps wean you off of nicotine (the ingredient that keeps smokers hooked). No worries, the nicotine patch does not cause cancer – all the other chemicals in cigarettes do!

How to use it

Wear it like a band-aid, and put a new one on every day. Put it in a different spot to avoid a rash!

The patch is sold in three doses 21mg (Step One), 14mg (Step Two), 7mg (Step Three). Your starting dose depends on how much you smoke. Ask a doctor or pharmacist to help you figure this out.

Where to get it

The nicotine patch is available without a prescription, and is sold in pharmacies. Did you know? Samples are usually available at student health services on campus.

What it costs

A 1-week supply costs can cost between $20 – $50. Daily, the patch can cost between $3 – $7. The price may depend on the brand you choose to use.

Trying to save money by using less than recommended?

Don’t do it! For a successful quit, it’s important to take the recommended dose for the length of time instructed by the doctor/pharmacist/package instructions.2

1 Compared to placebo treatment – where the person isn’t getting the real quit aid, even though they think they are getting it. Fiore, MC. et al. (2008). Treating Tobacco Use and Dependence: 2008 Update. Clinical Practice Guideline. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

2 Shiffman, S. (2007). Use of more nicotine lozenges leads to better success in quitting. Addiction, 102, 809-814.

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