Quit Your Way…
Read “Smoke | Quit”
Using the Smoke|Quit booklets can more than DOUBLE your chances of quitting.1
What Smoke | Quit does for you
Smoke|Quit is a pair of mini-booklets written by two undergraduate students. It is not your parents’ lame book telling you to quit smoking. Smoke|Quit booklets include: self-quizzes about your smoking, tips for dealing with people who nag you to quit, info about issues that matter to you, and personalized strategies to help you quit on your own. Even better – these mini-booklets were evaluated in a randomized controlled trial and found to help more students quit than the typical adult quit-smoking books*
click here to read the the bookelts online
How to use it
If you don’t want to quit yet, read SMOKE! Read interesting facts about cigarettes and the tobacco industry. Do exercises that help you think about your smoking patterns. And never feel pressured to quit!
If you are thinking about quitting – either seriously or just maybe – read QUIT! Find out how smoking affects you, not a 40-year-old. Learn how to prepare to quit smoking, and read about different options for quitting on your own.
Where to get it
In Ontario, on university and college campuses, Smoke|Quit booklets are available from LTPB student displays or at student health services.
What it costs
In Ontario, Smoke|Quit booklets are FREE.
1 Travis, H. & Lawrance, K. (2009). Randomized controlled trial examining the effectiveness of a tailored self-help smoking-cessation intervention for postsecondary smokers. Journal of American College Health, 57, 4, 437-44.
Note: there’s an online version of the Smoke|Quit booklets that could also help.