Winners of the 2001 Let’s Make A Deal Contest…


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Iain Watson Coelho
Grand Prize
Winner $500 Quit and Win

“I believe that anyone can quit smoking
if they really want to. They just have to find the method
that works for them. Don’t try it alone though, having
caring and supportive friends is key.
My initial motivations were my girlfriend, Jadine, and my good friends,
Charles and Tran. They helped me a lot, but the “Leave The Pack
Behind” program gave me that added incentive to really quit.
With my prize money, I am taking the three of them out for steak dinners,
and the rest will be invested in a new computer.”

Laurie Satok
Keep the Count Prize

“I think it’s easy when you smoke
to not really notice what it’s doing to your body. You
say “oh it’s just one cigarette’, but by keeping track
of every single cigarette that you do smoke, you start
to see the toll that it takes on your health”.

Winners of the 2001 Let’s Make A Deal Contest…
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